Soap Scale
For the soap maker a high quality (and accurate) soap scale is an exceedingly important tool. Digital scales come in so many different varieties that purchasing one can become almost overwhelming. To my knowledge, unfortunately there's no scale out their made specifically for soap making. That would make picking one out way too easy!

For our purpose of making soap, you need something very specific. The unit of measurement, size, graduation and accuracy of your scale is crucial for success.
Unit of measurement: Digital kitchen scales with both the metric and English system of measurement is ideal. Having one scale that can switch back and forth between units as needed is definitely more convenient and more cost effective.
Size: Size ranges drastically from pocket scales to truck scales. For our purposes, the surface needs to be at least 6 inches by 6 inches. This is especially important when you are weighing caustic chemicals like lye. The last thing you want to do is try to balance a hazardous substance on a tiny platform!
Graduation: The point of graduation is also significant. The scale in your bathroom most likely has a graduation of 1lb. This is good for weighing a human, but for accurate measuring, you should buy a scale that measures in 1 gram and .1 ounce increments.
Accuracy: Although the graduation has a lot to do with the accuracy of the scale, you must also be sure that the weight results given are the actual weight of what you're measuring. You can do this with a simple test. Weigh something that you know with 100% certainty has a certain weight. Does it check out? If it doesn't, most scales have a calibrating mechanism to increase its accuracy.
Using only a digital kitchen scale and not a needle scale is also important for accurate results because it eliminates the dilemma of trying to gauge exactly where the needle has landed.
Once you have your scale, you are ready to measure out your ingredients, and start making soap.
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