Mango Butter Lotion Bar Recipe
Within this tutorial I am going to be sharing with you my mango butter lotion bar recipe. To create this batch, we will be using a variety of fine ingredients from Soap Making Resource including SMR's refined mango butter, apricot kernel oil, coconut oil (76 degrees), yellow beeswax (pastilles), jojoba oil (golden), rosemary oleoresin antioxidant and a unique aromatic blend of SMR's top quality essential oils. We will also be using SMR's 5lb no-line acrylic slab soap mold to form our lotion bars.
This mango butter lotion bar recipe will produce a wonderfully moisturizing and soothing lotion that is solid at room temperature. Simply rub it between your hands, allowing your body heat to melt the finished product, and then apply where needed. You, your family and your customers will absolutely love using this easily portable and 100% preservative free lotion bar!
Below is a picture of our finished product produced with today's mango butter lotion bar recipe:

Get the Kit! (Out of Stock)

Get the mango butter lotion bar recipe kit today and receive all the ingredients you need to create our mango butter lotion bar as shown within the tutorial below. Each kit will include 2 pounds of yellow beeswax (pastilles), 37.5 ounces of refined mango butter, 16 ounces of apricot kernel oil, 13.5 ounces of coconut oil (76 degrees), 2 ounces of jojoba oil (golden), 1/2 ounce of rosemary oleoresin antioxidant, 2 ounces of lavender (premium) essential oil and 1 ounce of cedar wood essential oil. You will receive more than enough of each ingredient within this kit to complete the lotion bar recipe as demonstrated within the tutorial below. Finally, each kit will come with full written instructions explaining step by step how to complete our lotion bar recipe.
Please also consider picking up a Soap Making Resource 5 pound no-line acrylic slab mold along with your kit. It will work perfectly with this batch! Our acrylic slab mold will allow you to easily form professional, uniform lotion bars via the integrated divider set. You will love this Soap Making Resource slab mold for making great-looking lotion bars and luxurious homemade soaps!
The Soap Making Resource 5 pound wooden soap mold will also work well with this recipe, but keep in mind that, unlike our acrylic slab molds, you will have to line your wooden mold with freezer or butcher paper. You will also have to pour the batch after the melted ingredients have substantially cooled (yet while they are still in liquid form), so that you don't melt the wax coating off of the butcher or freezer paper causing the ingredient mixture to leak out of the mold!
Mango Butter Lotion Bar Recipe Kit: $74.78 Out of Stock
* All ingredients within this mango butter lotion bar recipe are available to purchase in bulk right here at
Below are step by step instructions for completing a 5 pound batch of my mango butter lotion bar recipe. Within this tutorial we are using the Soap Making Resource 5 pound no-line acrylic slab mold to form our lotion bars. Click here now to take a look at this popular mold from SMR!
If you decide to use a wooden soap mold, don't forget to line the mold with butcher or freezer paper. This will prevent your lotion bar batch from sticking to the interior of the mold.
If using a wooden soap mold, it is also vitally important that you pour your mango butter lotion bar batch after it has cooled significantly. Just don't let it cool down so much that your ingredients solidify in the pot! Pouring your batch while the ingredients are excessively hot could potentially melt the wax coating off of your butcher paper liner consequently causing your batch to escape from the mold. I made this mistake once and I definitely wouldn't want you to go through the same mess that I did!
Below is my mango butter lotion bar recipe formula:
- Beeswax = 27 ounces (33.75% of total oils)
- Mango Butter (Refined) = 27 ounces (33.75% of total oils)
- Apricot Kernel Oil = 15 ounces (18.75% of total oils)
- Coconut Oil (76 Degrees) = 10 ounces (12.5% of total oils)
- Jojoba Oil (Golden) = 1 ounce (1.25% of total oils)
- Rosemary Oleoresin = 3 grams (.106 Ounces)
- Lavender (Premium) Essential Oil = 30 grams (1.058 Ounces)
- Cedar Wood Essential Oil = 15 grams (.529 Ounces)
*All ounces mentioned above are weight ounces, not volumetric ounces.
* Also, we have decided to weigh our essential oils needed for this recipe using grams instead of ounces as grams are much more precise when weighing out small quantities of ingredients like we are for our essential oil portions.
Below are the step by step instructions for creating my mango butter lotion bar recipe. Pictures have also been included below to help thoroughly explain the process.
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Step 1) First, measure out the beeswax, mango butter and carrier oils needed for this recipe. Within this batch, we will be incorporating 27 ounces of yellow beeswax (pastilles), 27 ounces of refined mango butter, 15 ounces of apricot kernel oil, 10 ounces of coconut oil (76 degrees) and 1 ounce of jojoba oil (golden). These fat and wax ingredients are the key components that make up our mango butter lotion bar base.

Step 2) Next, melt the butter, oils and wax that you had just measured out down to a liquid form. Once all components are fully liquefied, stir them together thoroughly using a heat safe mixing utensil.

Remember, oils are flammable, so be sure to constantly monitor your heat as you melt the ingredients. To melt the solid components, I used a very low heat setting on my cooktop burner. Alternately, you can use a crockpot or double boiler for this step.
Also, keep in mind that beeswax has a melting point of approximately 145 degrees Fahrenheit, so it will take some time for this ingredient to melt. Although it may be tempting, do not attempt to speed up the melting time by increasing the temperature of your burner to an unsafe level!
Step 3) Once your melted mixture has cooled down for several minutes, measure out and add the 3 grams of rosemary oleoresin antioxidant.

Rosemary oleoresin antioxidant (often referred to as ROE) will help extend the shelf life of your product and is also a wonderful ingredient for your skin!
Step 4) While the ingredient mixture continues to cool, measure out your essential oil blend. For this recipe, we will be combining SMR's lavender (premium) essential oil and SMR's cedar wood essential oil. A lovely aroma combination that I absolutely adore!
To create this blend, simply weigh out 30 grams of lavender (premium) essential oil and 15 grams of cedar wood essential oil.

As you can see in the picture above, I like to measure out each essential oil within a blend into separate containers. I do this so that if I accidentally over measure one of the ingredients, I can easily draw some out using a pipette. This obviously would not be possible if we were measuring the essential oils into each other.
Once the essential oils are accurately weighed, combine the two ingredients into a single container. This will allow you to "preview" the blend before adding it to your batch. Furthermore, combining the two essential oils now allows you to incorporate the essential oil blend into the mango butter lotion bar recipe much more quickly once the time comes to add these aromatic ingredients.

Be sure to work quickly as you are creating your essential oil blend. It won't take long for all of your melted ingredients to unwittingly solidify in the pot causing you to have to re-melt the entire batch!
Step 5) Now that your essential oil blend has been successfully created, pour this ingredient combination into the rest of your batch and thoroughly stir all the recipe components together.

Step 6) Finally, pour your mango butter lotion bar recipe batch into your Soap Making Resource 5 pound acrylic slab mold. Remember, unlike a wooden soap mold, this mold does not need to be lined to prevent leaking!

Step 7) Once your batch has been poured into the mold, place the slab mold divider set into the liquid ingredients.

The divider set, which comes with each Soap Making Resource acrylic slab mold, will professionally form your individual lotion bars as the batch solidifies.
Step 8) Now, allow the mango butter lotion bar recipe batch to completely solidify within your mold. Once your lotion bars are solid, carefully remove the acrylic slab mold dividers, disassemble the mold and remove your perfectly formed bars.

Step 9) Finally, if you wish to give your lotion bars a more refined, high-end appearance, you can bevel the edges of each lotion bar using the SMR acrylic beveler/planer, offering your product a more finished look.

Many consumers may prefer the look and feel of a beveled lotion bar, but whether or not you complete this step is purely up to you!
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the SMR mango butter lotion bar recipe. Now enjoy hydrating your skin with this all-natural, preservative free lotion!
Keep in mind that this recipe does not involve saponification and does not incorporate a water portion that would need to be evaporated; therefore, lotion bars, unlike most homemade soaps, do not have to be cured. You can begin using your solid mango butter lotion bar right away!
Thank you all for viewing the SMR mango butter lotion bar recipe tutorial. We sincerely appreciate your time and I hope that this tutorial has helped you in some way! Remember, if you have any questions about any of Soap Making Resource's tutorials or products please give our office a call at 717-397-4104. We are more than happy to help!
If you want to try the SMR mango butter lotion bar recipe for yourself, don't forget to pick up the kit today, or you can purchase all the ingredients used within this recipe in bulk right here at
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